We believe that maintaining close links with our customers and understanding their individual market requirements is essential to delivering solutions designed to meet their specific needs. Globally, we have a presence in over 6 countries, achieved through a combination of direct offices and a proven business partner network. The strength of this worldwide footprint enables us to drive innovative development globally, whilst providing the necessary market expertise to deliver locally tailored solutions that drive performance improvements for our customers.

IAG Individuals, teams and line managers are grouped into a specialized department where they report to the head of the department, e.g. Head of directors. The business’ top management team typically consists of several functional heads, e.g. the Chief Financial Officer, General Operation Manager or the HR Officer.

IAG Organization arguably achieves greater operational efficiencies, as employees with shared skills and knowledge work together and perform similar functions.

IAG Company’s Expertise structures are:

  • Specialization – Departments focus on one area of work.
  • Productivity – Specialism means that staffs are skilled in the tasks they do.
  • Accountability – There are clear lines of management.
  • Clarity – Employees understand their own and others’ roles.

Countries Where We Operate

  • Somalia
  • Kenya
  • Uganda
  • Ethiopia
  • Djibouti
  • South Sudan
  • Tanzania
  • UAE
  • Turkey